Woodin Elementary Young Orchestra
Woodin Elementary Young Orchestra
Do you want to learn how to play the violin? No experience in music is required. Students 1st grade through 3rd grade are welcome. (4th – 5th already have orchestra.)
We will have an informational meeting Oct. 9th at 7 pm at Woodin Library.
Students will need to bring their own violin, bow and rosin to class. Please do not buy $100 violins from eBay or other online websites before consulting with the teacher. You can rent violins (cost can vary from $10 to $40 / month). Make sure you can return or exchange your violin (we need to make sure the violin fits the student size). Please do not buy anything else before consulting with the teacher. You do not need a metronome or tuner or any other devices.
We do not want financial need to prevent students from participating in this program. Please check scholarship box on form if needed. Scholarships are confidential.
Please email any questions to Sharon Mittelman at nsyso.org@gmail.com. Go to http://nsyso.org/
Class DATES: Oct. 16, 19, 23, 26, 30. Nov. 2, 6, 9, 13, 16, 20, 27, 30. Dec. 4, 7, 11, 14th
(Tuesday and Friday Mornings before school)
TIME: 7:40- 8:40 a.m. (Students will be released to recess at 8:40 am.)
COST: $170 ($10 per class)